The Way Without Masters
Rémi Boyer
(in syzygy with Sylvie Boyer-Camax)
This collection of nondualist texts by Rémi Boyer forms an anthology that is both classic and singular, traditional and avant-garde. They relate to the philosophies of awakening, the traditions of internal alchemy, and nondual metaphysics, but above all they convey a method and a discipline of the arcane implemented on a daily basis.
The Rectified Scottish Rite: From the Doctrine of Reintegration to the Imago Templi
Rémi Boyer
This book could just as well have been titled The Rectified Scottish Rite as a Way of Awakening, thus completing the triptych of works by Rémi Boyer on the ways of awakening that he wrote regarding the Rose-Croix, Freemasonry, and Martinism.
Letters to Friends of the Spirit
Sylvie Boyer-Camax and Rémi Boyer
The forty-four Letters to Friends of the Spirit were sent in five languages in the form of “Briefs,” on a weekly basis, during the periods of restricted freedoms in 2021, to members of initiatory, Masonic, Martinist, Gnostic, Pythagorean, Rose-Croix, Swedenborgian, and other organizations in order to support practice.
The Ways of Awakening Trilogy

Freemasonry as a Way of Awakening
Rémi Boyer
Initiation is by nature indefinable, elusive as the Spirit. Always, it is an initiation to one’s own original nature or ultimate reality, to the Divine, to what remains. However, is it possible to approach by words, if not Initiation in itself, the initiatory, the human tension toward the “more than human,” that is to say the unconditioned?

Mask Cloak Silence: Martinism as a Way of Awakening
Rémi Boyer
What is it that inhabits the Martinist temples that can be found neither in Freemasonry nor in the Order of the Elus Coëns? Is it not the dimension of the Heart, specific to this path that Papus was the first to describe as the Way of the Heart?

Beneath the Veil of Elias Artista: The Rose-Croix as a Way of Awakening
Rémi Boyer with Lima de Freitas and Manuel Gandra
For the first time, elements of oral traditions are published that illustrate the permanence of the currents of a Mediterranean Rose-Croix, more Orphic than Promethean and more poetic than pragmatic.